Becoming A Leaseholder
The Ranch is currently open to new leaseholders. Click the “Lots Available” button above for availability.
Any Escapees member who has been an Escapee at least three months and has visited The Ranch is eligible to become a leaseholder. The member should submit proof of current Escapees membership along with an application fee. The fee consists of a refundable deposit of $500 and a non-refundable document and administration fee of $25. At that time, the applicant will be added to the prospective membership list.
When a lot becomes available, prospective members on the waiting list will be notified of their position on the list. All notified applicants must respond within 5 days. If the first applicant on the list declines, the second on the list then has first option and so on down the line. The successful applicant must then pay for the lot and pro-rated annual maintenance fee in full within 14 days. However, lot transfers will not be performed between Memorial Day and Labor Day while the lot transfer committee is on hiatus for summer. You can still get on the waitlist for a lot during this time.
Please understand that as this is an adult park, children under 18 are not allowed to reside on leaseholds though they may visit for a short time.
Ranch Co-op Bylaws and Standing Rules
SKP Ranch Board of Directors
President: Rob Levin
Vice President: Marion Braum
Secretary: John Livesay
Treasurer: Ernie Gant
Members At Large:
Wendy Tenison-Smith
Barbara Everman
Tom Pautsch
Bob Watts
Vacancy to be filled
Parliamentarian: Robert Handel